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  • Sheilla

    Books you've read recently

    Hey everyone!

    What books have you read in the last month? Share your favs and suggestions! :) 

    I recently finished David Campbell's Misadventure is Better, which was a nice read. A bunch of stories all about the downsides of travel...and what can be learned from them. I've met David twice over the years, and he is a stand up guy. Worth checking his book out!

    6 years agoin Arts & Entertainment-Hangzhou
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • NatashaL
    The rings of lords
    6 years ago
  • AdnanT
    I read some detective stories in the recent
    6 years ago
  • Samuel6
    I just picked up "A Girl on the Train" (Paula Hawkins) recently and I only barely started reading. I'm currently struggling to finish "The Architect's Apprentice" (Elif Shafak, set in Turkey) as a task always come in whenever I would pick up the book. But it's a good book, tons of cultural things to learn.
    6 years ago

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