
Answers >> Hangzhou >> Teaching & Leaming
  • hector

    Do you eat well?

    If you do, how do you do it?


    If you don't, well.....you must be in China.

    And that being the case, what's your body telling you?

    9 years agoin Teaching & Leaming-Hangzhou
    Answers(14) Comments(2)
  • Ruan
    HI, I sale Mexico avocado and other fruit directly to your house, so you can get the fruit cheap and convenience, pls contact me 13501896262
    5 years ago
  • Ricardo1
    Chinese food is amazing, i love here.
    8 years ago
  • Woods
    Pretty good, i do my own meals on the weekends by during the week i bought from the street.
    9 years ago
  • Baker
    not quite well, that's why i bring my own meal everyday ....better than the one they provided in the cafeteria...
    9 years ago
  • suzie
    I am not eating well and afraid of being sick for the bad environment with fog and mist mxied in the air. Terrible!
    9 years ago
  • johnel

    I have just switched about month ago to mostly my own diet and sports.

    I came to China 9 years ago with 80kgs of weight. During this winter I have seen the hand on scale is very near to 120 ... Most of the time I ate chinese food, oily and high sodium, as always it is. I complained long time to my wife about her cooking way, she took a slight progress, but still is not enough. So I prepare my breakfast and dinner, plus snacks, only lunch is kanteen, but when there is anything with soysauce, I just refuse it and take the rest. Rice amount I have halved, and pork intake amount is on about 20% of previous levels. I feel much better, my belly is going down, health is improving greatly, now I am slightly bellow 110kgs and counting Smile

    Only I wish at home my wife take same approach so our son have better balance of nutrition in his diet. I am working on it hard, but not easy Smile

    So yes, I am eating well now. enlightened

    9 years ago
  • diana

    I eat pretty well.

    Trying to adjust my diet as I have been hitting the gym everyday of the week and do a 30-40 minute work-out on top of that at home.

    I would say I eat a good mix of Chinese and Western food. My wife is an awesome cook and I am not too bad. There are plenty of good restaurants and I find my way around healthy goods like oatmeal, fruits, vegetables and trying to cut down the drinking.

    In China, if you don't know how to cook, you should learn pretty damn fast.

    9 years ago
  • jean
    I am doing well on that part, I love cooking, it has always been one of my hobbies, I try new dishes all the time and let my creativity express itself. It is easier for I live where the rich people also live in my city so there are many shops around selling tons of different foodstuff from the usual crap snacks for the spoiled brats to overpriced organic stuff for the pretend healthy peasants without forgetting the imported food from the West, Japan or elsewhere. My soon-to-be-wife girlfriend is also a great cook.


    Only after a conversation whereby both parties agree to marry.
    9 years ago
    9 years ago
  • david2
    There is literally nothing outside my school except a coal refinery and a landfill. I have to ride my bike for an hour to get to the nearest store. I'm pretty much forced to get a hotel in the city on the weekends because the canteen is closed (the students all go home). I've come close to doing a midnight run on this place, but I know that I can be in a better environment the next school year within the same program.
    9 years ago
  • saral
    My school is about an hour outside the city and lacks any form of transportation, so I'm essentially trapped here M - F. I have no kitchen in my apt., so I have to eat all meals at the school canteen. The cooks are all from the local village and apparently only have about eight dishes (all Chinese) in their culinary repertoire. Of course, they saturate all of these with low grade oil and high sodium sauces. As a result, I've been ill for many months and suffer from high blood pressure and abdominal pains. My only respite is on the weekends when I take a shuttle into the city and eat at the five star hotels or one of the handful of Western venues. Only another month left of this and I'll transfer to a school in a different province.
    9 years ago

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